Transfert aux USA de données personnelles contenues dans les dossiers passagers (PNR)
Conférence de presse au Parlement européen le 8 mai 2003
Annonce de l'évènement :
promoted by Marco Cappato (MEP, Radicals) and European Digital Rights*8 MAY 2003, 10,30 am EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, PRESS ROOM.
"Presentation of the Campaign against the illegal transfer of European travellers' data to the USA"
With:Maurice WESSLING President of European Digital Rights*
Marco CAPPATO MEP, Radicals / Lista Bonino, Italy
Kathalijne BUITENWEG MEP, Greens, The Netherlands
Cedric LAURANT Electronic Privacy Information Center
other MEPs invited...
In this campaign, European Digital Rights* will offer models of complaints that air travellers can send to the airline carriers and their national data protection commissioners. With these letters air travellers can request their personal data from the airlines and get information about which of their personal data were transferred to the US. Another letter is addressed to national data protection commissioners to urge them to investigate the transfer of personal data. The Transnational Radical Party and Radicali italiani are among the organizations supporting the initiative.
* European Digital Rights (EDRI) is a European association of privacy and civil rights groups. Since its foundation in June 2002, EDRI represents 10 privacy and civil rights organizations from 7 different countries in the European Union.
For further information: Office of Marco Cappato tel +32 2 2845496; fax +32 2 2849496;
Les intervenants, de gauche à droite : Marco Cappato (député européen, Parti Radical, Italie), Maurice Wessling (EDRi), Kathalijne Buitenweg (députée européenne, Les Verts, Pays-Bas), Cédric Laurant (EPIC).